Saturday, June 28, 2014

Grammar Thoughts

Pronouns are words that can stand alone and take the place of a noun in a sentence.   The most common pronouns are I, you, he, she, it we, you, they. 

It isn't very hard to use pronouns.  Let me show you a couple of examples.

"Charlie ate all the donuts," can be said, "He ate all the donuts."  The pronoun he replaces the noun Charlie in the sentence.  He now means Charlie.

"Barry will carry the ducks to the pond," can be said, "You will carry the ducks to the pond."  The pronoun you replaces your name, which in this case is Barry, in the sentence (I know your name really isn't Barry, this is just an example.  So, we are pretending your name is Barry).
 Okay Barry, let's move on.

Why do we use pronouns?  If we didn't have pronouns, we'd have to say our nouns all the time in sentences and that would be very obnoxious and confusing. Plus it would give us all a headache.   Here is an example of what I am talking about.   "Barry will carry Barry's ducks down to the pond."  Did you get a headache? I can wait if you need to go tell your mom your head hurts so she can get you an ice pack....

Oh, good! You're back!  Sorry about that. I  hope your head starts to feel better real soon. 

Now, where was I.  Oh, yes!  It is much easier to say, "Barry will carry his ducks down to the pond." There now, isn't that so much better? No more headache!  Using his in the place of Barry's helps the sentence flow better, make better sense, and keeps us from having to spend the rest of our lives with ice packs on our heads.   Pronouns, they're the headache medicine for sentences!  Now, go lie down and take a rest.  Your headache should be gone soon. 

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