Thursday, June 26, 2014

Today's Writing Prompt

You are sitting in class when your teacher announces, "Today students, we will be writing a letter to our senator to express something we are concerned about. This assignment corresponds with the history lessons we have been studying on how our government was established, and how it works."

She then explains that after putting today's date at the top of the page, the proper way to open your letter is thus, 

"Honorable Senator (insert senator's name here),"

Your teacher then explains that from there, you will write the body of your letter explaining your concerns, then properly close is with,
And sign your name. 

Your best penmanship (handwriting), is to be used.  She then turns you loose to ponder a concern and to write your letter.

Today's writing prompt is just that.  Formulate a letter to your senator.  It can be a letter of thanks or a letter expressing something you are concerned about.   You can write a letter to an actual senator or you can make up a senator and write to them. Your parents should be able to help you find out who your senator is if you choose to write to an actual one.

Take 10 to 15 min. to write out your thoughts, more if you need.  If writing to a real senator, you can decide whether you want to mail it or not.

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